Get Informed

  1. How can I place an order?

    • To place an order, simply browse our collection and add your desired items to your shopping cart. Proceed to checkout, where you can enter your shipping and payment information to complete your purchase.

  2. Do you offer customization options?

    • Yes, we offer customization on certain products. Please contact us directly to discuss your specific requirements and we'll do our best to accommodate your needs.

  3. What payment methods do you accept?

    • We accept various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, Net-Banking, UPI, and other secure online payment platforms. You can select your preferred payment option at checkout.

  4. How long will it take to receive my order?

    • Delivery times may vary depending on your location and the specific product ordered. We aim to process and ship orders as quickly as possible. You can expect to receive a shipping confirmation email with tracking information once your order has been dispatched.
      Usually, products take upto 7 business days, on the other hand, hand-painted items can take upto 7-14 business days.

  5. What is your return policy?

    • We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied, please contact us within 2 days of receiving your order to arrange for a return or exchange. Please note that certain items may be non-returnable due to their personalized nature.

  6. Do you ship internationally?

    • Yes, we offer international shipping to select countries. Shipping costs and delivery times may vary depending on your location. Please refer to our shipping information page for more details.

  7. Who make the paintings & with which medium on what paper?

    • Vaishali Agrawal, the artist herself paints using water-colors on cold-pressed recycled cotton sheets.

  8. Do you offer bulk orders?

    • Yes, we offer bulk order options for certain products. You can get Festive Hampers, Return Favors for Weddings & Birthday Celebrations and Corporate Gifts & Hampers. Please get in touch with us to discuss your needs and we'll be happy to provide you with more information and pricing details.